I got up this morning and took a quick shower before getting the kids up. After my kids woke up, I got them dressed and made breakfast. Then I had to make a few phone calls and pay a few bills. Shortly after that, the bug guy came to spray our house. Then it was time for lunch and naps. This all took place between 9-1. I still have to pick up the house, clean up after lunch and breakfast, prepare for dinner, etc. Sometimes it can be really hard for me to find time to get actual cleaning done in my house. I used to pick one day a week and do it all at once but that never worked out and it left me so stressed out and super tired.
My husband told me that I should just pick one or two things to complete each day so each week the house gets cleaned but I'm not loosing my mind in the process. He can be so smart sometimes!! So I immediately went to the office to begin writing out a schedule! I also wrote up a morning routine that I do before I do anything else. I know there are other moms out there that feel the same pressure I do. I mean who doesn't love a clean house but finding the time can be tough. I decided to share my schedule with all of you! Feel free to print it off and stick it on your fridge! I didn't list my morning routine on there because that is totally optional but I will share it for those who want to use it. Remember you don't have to stick to my plan exactly. Everyone's life is so different. You can use mine as a starting point and you can adjust it your own schedule.
Here is my morning routine:
~Wake up
~Take shower or Wash face/Brush teeth
~Make bed
Before bed, we set the kitchen timer for 15 minutes and pick up the house until the buzzer goes off. I also sweep the kitchen every day but that only takes 5 minutes tops and definitely needs doing each day!!! My little girl is a messy, messy eater!!
I really hope this cleaning schedule takes away the stress of keeping a clean house! Thanks for stopping by today!
Until next time,
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