Monday, October 27, 2014

Mom Moment Monday

Alright so you got me, I have a thing for alliteration. Mom is obviously the first "m" word that popped into my head so I went with it. The definition for mother is one who gives birth but we all know motherhood is so much more than that!! Motherhood hasn't always been easy for me or my husband. 

When I first found out that I was pregnant, my husband and I had only been married for two months. I was shocked and extremely terrified! Kyle's reaction to my pregnancy was a relief and so comforting. He just smiled at me, took a deep breath, and said "Let's celebrate!" So we discussed baby names and our new addition over a delicious, deep dish pizza from Uno's. We then walked around Gap, oohing and aahing over all the tiny, beautiful baby clothes. We still have that adorable first outfit we bought that night! Unfortunately, that bliss began to wear off once I hit two months pregnant. I was incredibly sick the entire pregnancy, including two trips to the hospital for dehydration. Most couples have at least a few months in the "honeymoon" phase, we didn't. Our honeymoon phased consisted of vomiting and absolutely no romance. Even though it was hard, we swear it brought us closer! They say "A couple that that cleans up vomit together, stays together." They do say that, right?? Okay, well probably not but..... Anyways. 

Our son Caleb was born four weeks early at 5lbs 5oz!! He was our beautiful, miraculously healthy baby boy!! All of the sickness was worth it when I got to hold Caleb for the first time. He was perfect! I loved him more than I had ever loved anyone all within the first few seconds with him. Shortly after he was born, we knew we wanted a second child! My second pregnancy was exactly the same! Extremely hard full of sickness but like before when our daughter was born it all seemed worth it!!

The sickness, the lack of sleep, and the lack of free time is all worth it when I look at my children's faces! These two bring me so much joy! 
I'm a stay at home mom so each day we definitely have our ups and downs. Some days are full of fighting and screaming and tantrums, but other days are full of laughter and cheer! Days like this one in particular make my job the best in the world! This was just an ordinary morning in our ordinary home but getting to spend it with them made it extraordinary.

When I watch them play and get along together, it makes me feel almost a little emotional! I'm a crier, I can't help it! It's so amazing to know that I carried these two little monsters for months! They are a big part of me and pretty much my entire life! Their smiles can brighten my entire day! I love listening to them talk to each other and to see their personalities really shine. They are so silly and right now, they have a huge fascination with hats! I honestly have no idea why but it's cute! :)

Motherhood can be very hard and definitely has it's challenges! There are days that I feel overwhelmed or I question whether I am even doing a good enough job! When I sit with them in their rooms and play "restaurant" or try on hats, I know that this is right where I need to be! When they hug me and tell me they love me on their own, I know that I'm doing something right! I feel so blessed that this is my life. I would go through months of sickness all over again just to hold my babies. I love being being a mom and this particular moment with them today is exactly why I love it so much!

To all you moms out there, you are doing a great job and remember to always enjoy the ordinary moments because they are what makes this life so special! 

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