Wednesday, October 22, 2014

The Perfect Chili for a Chilly Day

So I have been pretty obsessed with my slow cooker lately! Seriously, I feel like this slow cooker has relieved a lot of stress from my day. Normally my nights consist of trying to decide what to make for dinner and then proceeding to make dinner while two little monsters reek havoc all around me. I have to stop what I am doing consistently to prevent injuries or to settle arguments. Cooking used to be a relaxing treat for me but now it is a stressful chore. Well that is where my trusty slow cooker comes in to save the day!! When I lay the kids down for a nap, I have the whole kitchen to myself. I put on some Norah Jones, prep all the ingredients, and then throw it all in the crock-pot. Dinner is done! No fussing children that want to be held at the very moment I need to chop onions, no screaming matches to settle, and no boo boos to kiss. Now don't get me wrong, I love holding my children and kissing boo boos just not when I'm trying to cook dinner. 

With this new plan, I am to cook dinner in peace and then let the slow cooker do the rest of the work while I spend the rest of my day stress free. Whenever we are ready to eat, dinner is warmed up and ready to be enjoyed. Needless to say, I love the slow cooker and think I might be a little obsessed! The cold weather we have been experiencing has only furthered my addiction. For tonight's meal, I decided to make a turkey chili served over rice and, of course, topped with lots of cheese! Yummy! 

Turkey Chili Recipe

1 lb of extra lean turkey meat
1 red bell pepper
1 medium onion
2 cans of beans (I used dark red and pink)
1 can of tomato paste
1 can of green chilis
2 cans full of water (I just used the empty bean can)
2 garlic cloves
1 bag of frozen corn
1 can of diced tomatoes
olive oil
chili powder


Heat a skillet on medium-high heat with a little olive oil. Then add the turkey meat in to brown a little. I seasoned the meat with a dash of salt and pepper. The meat doesn't have to be cooked all the way because it will finish cooking in the slow cooker. 
Add the meat into the slow cooker. Then add the rest of the ingredients into the slow cooker right on top of the meat. Give it a nice stir and then cook on high for 4 hours or low for 6 hours. 

When I cook, I tend not to follow a recipe exactly. I didn't give exact amounts for seasonings because I did not measure them out. If you want a more specific recipe, I searched the web for a very similar recipe that sounds just as delicious. Check it out: Turkey Chili

I got to say I am loving this fall like weather and these delicious, easy slow cooker meals. Slow cooker meals also provide tons of leftovers in our household which means plenty for lunch the next day! See what I'm talking about now?? Slow cookers equal zero stress!! If you try this chili out, I hope you enjoy it!

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